Friday, August 17, 2007

water usage

Reviewing past water bills, we discovered that we used about 3800 cf each year. From an old issue of Eco-Structure magazine, Meenal learnt that architects design for 2300 cf of water used each year per occupant. Our two-adult household, at 1900 cf per occupant per year, is lower than the norm, but not outrageously so.

We also began asking... so what is 3800cf? When we buy a new toilet, we've looked for a low-flow one, around 1.6 gallons per flush. When we change shower heads, we've looked for low-flow heads, rated to use about 2 gallons per minute. Digging thru some literature from the water department, we discovered that 100cf equals 750 gallons. So each year, we use 28,500 gallons. And each month, we use 2,175 gallons. And each day we use 72 gallons.

Note that this is all the water used: both hot and cold. For drinking & flushing, bathing & cleaning. We estimate about a third of this to be hot water, or about 24 gallons a day.

What's your water consumption?

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